Monday, October 25

We Answer An Eternal Question: Does Art Have Purpose?

This morning Abby bought more etchings from the artist that she and Mom found yesterday. They're spooky images of a crouching monkey, a cat with a lot of teeth, etc.

At lunch we found another use for Abby's beautiful new etchings: Swatting bees.

It happened like this, you see. We were in an open-air restaurant, lounging on pillows like Maharajas and Maharanis, when suddenly this bee joined us. Then another bee. "This is a bee highway," Abby said.

These bees were ruining our luncheon.

Abby (who was convinced her hair products were attracting the bees) noticed where the bees were coming from: A hive was behind behind a painting on the far wall of the restaurant.

So these bees like art, do they? We'll show them some art. "Abby, where are your new etchings?"

More than once, bee met etching -- and etching won. It's a good thing the artist packed his attractive etchings in stiff cardboard.

Later, we saw an elephant traffic jam, in which an elephant was blocking traffic through a narrow stone archway where the poor elephant was trying to catch some shade. The elephant driver threw the elephant into reverse and parallel-parked the elephant. True story.


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